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Unreal Engine Game Demo
3D Platformer Game Demo created in 8 Days contains Swift player movement and associated animations, Basic AI enemies which try kill or throw away the player from the platforms. Falling Platforms on player interaction and such are the elements of the demo that can be seen.

Space Rider 
Shown in the video are the gameplay elements and how the visually game looks and  feels. Things to notice in the video are the camera shake when player hits enemy entities, use of power ups like the Dash and Homing Missile, Pushing back the player when he tries to go far from the scene to avoid enemies. 

Amazons Board-Game Project

Shown in Video is the Game which has only 1 player per piece, which is extendable to 4 pieces per player. Also, to shorten the video we play on the smaller board. It can be played on a 10 x 10 board which 4 pieces per player. AI seen in the video plays Max/Min strategy to defeat the human. Also you can see that the game detects Win/Loss at a game of height 3. 

Game Prototype

One of the prototypes is being showed here, which displays the asteroids having enemy behavior tree for its behavior and the central player having its own behavior tree which takes control of the player's shooting abilities.

AI Demo Showcase

Implemented BehaviorTrees and BlackBoard Architecture. In this video, you will see in action bunnies in red to Patrol in X and Y coordinates and one Circling around. As soon as the player cuts the line of sight of either of the patrolling bunnies, they start chasing him. They both start chasing him because of the blackboard informed of the player's position from one of the player's registering into it.

Terrain Analysis

Implemented Openness, Visibility, Field of View, Search Area, Occupancy Maps and Hide and Seek.

A-Star Project

Implemented Vanilla A-Star on a 2D grid with four admissible heuristics(Manhattan, Chebyshev, Octile, Euclidean) and changeable weights. Implemented Smoothing, Rubber-banding on the optimal path found.

Behavior Trees Project

Implemented 5 Different Behavior trees which are visually and intellectually different

Graphics Project

Implemented Lighting (Phong’s & BRDF), Shadows, Normal Maps and textures, Reflection to the framework provided.

Light of Empyrion

Created a custom engine, worked on 2D physics(detection & resolution), FMOD integration and audio management, game design and gameplay programming

Tsk Game Engine & Game

Implemented Event Manager, Component System, Object Factory, Physics(collision detection), OpenGL implementation with SDL 2.0, GLSL (low level). 

Unity3D - Aniam

3x3 map using asset store and filled it with correctly placed hills, trees, patches of grass and stony areas. Rigged a Character (created with MakeHuman) with multiple animations taken from asset store and created a scene that has Character’s UI health, hunger, thirst depleting with time. Day and Night settings with lighting with third person camera onto the character.
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